Star Trek: The Motion Picture Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Is Kirk a good leader? Choose several decisions he makes as evidence for why he is…or he isn't.
  2. Does Spock ultimately choose logic or emotion?
  3. In your opinion, does V'Ger successfully complete its mission? Explain.
  4. How might the sentient machines have achieved consciousness? Be creative.
  5. What does the film's ending say about the nature of technology?
  6. What do you think V'Ger becomes at the end of the film? Is it the next evolution of humanity?
  7. How does the visual depiction of the inside of V'Ger affect the tone of the film?
  8. Who do you find yourself agreeing with more: Bones or Spock? What arguments of theirs do you find most persuasive?