Stargirl Stargirl Caraway Quotes

"Did you see it?"

I nodded. I kept walking.

"Well?" She was hopping beside me, punching my shoulder. "Wha'd you think?"

What could I say? I didn't want to hurt her feelings. I just shrugged (24.17-14).

Uh oh, big-time trouble in paradise. That phase of early infatuation is fading and some tough relationship stuff is brewing. It seems like we should be mad at Leo here, and we're not saying we shouldn't be; however, do you think maybe Stargirl should have taken Leo's feelings into consideration before she put up the big sign proclaiming her love? I mean, she must know how shy he is, considering how observant she is about everyone, right? So what gives? Why did she do it?

"I'm giving up on trying to be popular and normal." Her face and body language did not seem to match her words. She looked cheery, perky. So did Cinnamon, perched on her shoulder.

"Don't you think maybe you should back off a little?" I said. "Don't come on so strong?"

She smiled at me. She reached out and brushed the tip of my nose with her fingertip. "Because we live in a world of them, right? You told me that once."

We stared at each other. She kissed me on the cheek and walked away. She turned and said, "I know you're not going to invite me to Ocotillo Ball. It's okay" (30.11-14).

You go girl. Seriously. We've never been prouder of Stargirl than we are in this very moment. It's a great example of self-love. Even though this is the breakup scene, Stargirl is cheery and perky because she knows that her own self matters more than whether or not anyone likes her. And the best part is, she dumps Leo without saying one mean word. Now that's classy.