Steppenwolf Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Preface if applicable, Paragraph)

Quote #4

And, in fact, I was no longer certain it was he. (84)

Even before he starts taking Pablo's magical drugs Harry is having a hard time keeping a grip on reality. He thinks he recognizes someone, but then he isn't sure that it's them after all.

Quote #5

While he was teasing me with the charming, dangerous thing, he became quite old once more, very, very old, a thousand years old, with hair as white as snow, and his withered graybeard's face laughed a still and soundless laughter that shook him to the depths with abysmal old-man's humor. (181)

This transformation, which takes place in a dream, is key for what Harry will have to learn in the rest of his adventure. Goethe, his favorite poet, becomes a very, very, old laughing man. Flash forward to the end, and we find that Harry is supposed to learn how to laugh like the immortals.

Quote #6

For a moment it seemed she had turned into this Herman. (231)

When Hermine tells Harry to guess her name, she somehow makes herself transform into his boyhood friend. Do you think that it's Hermine doing it, or is it Harry's own perception?