Stolen Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Stolen? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Stolen sets up a strong contrast between which two regions?

The desert and the seashore
The forest and the desert
The wilderness and the city
Tatooine and Australia
Q. Which traumatic event altered Ty's life as a child?

His dad died
His mom abandoned him
Social workers took him away to the city
A snake bit him
Q. What does Ty want to teach Gemma with his artwork?

That she's part of the land
That he can't live anywhere else
How to do body art
How to paint like Monet
Q. What does Ty think Gemma's parents are trying to do?

Force her to go to college
Turn her into a mini-version of them
Keep her away from Ty
Get her to date Josh
Q. What does Gemma tell Ty at the end of her letter?

He ruined her life
He needs serious help
He has the power to change
She is in love with him