Stolen Themes

Stolen Themes

Compassion and Forgiveness

Think of the last time you flopped on the couch, stuffed your face with cookies and chips, and took in an eight-hour Law & Order: SVU marathon. (Don't even try to deny it because we know you've...


What's the most alone you've ever felt? Sitting in the cafeteria alone at lunch? Not getting picked as someone's partner for a school project? Getting turned down by a prospective prom date? Try ge...

Man and the Natural World

A lot of people would probably find living the way Ty does in Stolen to be pretty much impossible. Forget about grocery stores, text messaging, entertainment, and the usual modern conveniences—yo...

Memory and the Past

We've all been there: You run into someone who looks a little familiar and start wracking your brain to figure out who they are. Or, maybe you've been in a new place for a while and can't help thin...

Rules and Order

Laws and order (not to be confused with Law & Order) play a huge role in Gemma's world in Stolen. Whether it's her parents' subtle pressures for her to participate in their upper class lifestyl...


Ty is ridiculously strong and more than capable of overpowering Gemma physically. What really gives him the upper hand in the struggle between them, though, is that he knows how to live in the midd...

Contrasting Regions

Where would you rather live—in a bustling city with lots of activity and action or a laid-back country setting with a slow-paced way of life? For Ty and Gemma in Stolen, their totally different a...

Freedom and Confinement

For most of Stolen, Gemma is a prisoner. After Ty abducts her, she finds herself alone with him in the desert, with no way to escape except through him. As a result, a huge part of the book is abou...


What were your first impressions of Ty at the beginning of Stolen? Did you think he was a maniac? If so, you're not alone. The thing is, it then gets more complicated—we learn that he's obsessed...

Art and Culture

Back in London, Gemma's mom experiences art and culture by buying paintings and drawings for her personal collection. She attends gallery openings, goes to other countries to acquire diverse artwor...