Strange Meeting Suffering Quotes

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Quote #4

With a thousand fears that vision's face was grained; (11)

Nothing says suffering like having your facial composition being 100% fear. There's no hiding the suffering and trauma this soldier has endured.

Quote #5

"None," said the other, "Save the undone years,
The hopelessness […] (15-16)

Speaker number two is admitting outright that not only is he suffering from what he experienced in the war, but he's suffering because he knows all of the good stuff in life that he'll never get a chance to experience. It's a suffering of absence—sort of like missing someone you love and knowing you'll never be together again.

Quote #6

Foreheads of men have bled where no wounds were. (39)

Sure there was plenty of physical suffering in war, but Owen wants to make sure we all know how much mental and emotional anguish there was, too. Many of the physical wounds would eventually heal, but there is no bandage that would work to heal that kind of emotional suffering.