Structuralism: Quotes Quiz

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Structuralism? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who said, "[I]s it not one of structuralism's main preoccupations to control the infinite variety of speech acts by attempting to describe the language or langue from which they originate, and from which they can be derived"?

Roland Barthes
Ferdinand de Saussure
Tzvetan Todorov
Vladimir Propp
Q. Who said, "Although they belong to another order of reality, kinship phenomena are of the same type as linguistic phenomena"?

Jacques Derrida
Roman Jakobson
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Q. Who said, "The work will be considered as the manifestation of an abstract structure, merely one of its possible realizations; an understanding of that structure will be the real goal of structural analysis"?

Tzvetan Todorov
Vladimir Propp
Roman Jakobson
Ferdinand de Saussure
Q. Who said, "As soon as we give language first place among the facts of speech, we introduce a natural order into a mass that lends itself to no other classification"?

Roman Jakobson
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Ferdinand de Saussure
William Golding
Q. Who said, "The number of functions known to a fairy tale is limited?"

Roland Barthes
Vladimir Propp
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Toni Morrison