Hannah Timeline and Summary


Hannah Timeline and Summary

  • After her husband dies, Hannah goes back to live with her mother, Eva. She soon starts having sex with the married men of the Bottom.
  • One day, Hannah asks Eva if Eva ever loved her and her siblings. Eva snaps back that she fed and clothed them and made sure they didn't get sick. But Hannah wants to know why Eva never had fun with them or spent quality time with them. Although she asks the question, she seems fine with Eva's unwillingness to fully answer her.
  • Soon after this conversation, Hannah has a dream about a red wedding dress. She tells Eva about the dream, then goes out to the backyard to start a fire. Somehow, Hannah catches on fire. Eva jumps out her bedroom window to try to save her daughter, to no avail. Hannah runs to her neighbors', who throw her in water. She doesn't survive, and the fire leaves her burned beyond recognition.