Sula Resources


The Nobel Foundation

This is a link to Morrison's biography and 1993 Nobel lecture, along with a sound recording.

Guardian Newspaper

This is an interesting interview with Morrison about her family, how she views the reception of her work, and her thoughts about some of her books.

Daily Routines

This is exactly what it sounds like – a cool description of a day in the life of Toni Morrison.


Time Interview

Morrison answers question submitted by readers about her books, politics, race, and gender.

The Salon Interview

A interview with Toni Morrison.

"You Still Can't Go Home Again"

A New York Times review of Sula.


Populated by Ghosts

Toni Morrison being interviewed on NPR in 2004.

Her Own Voice

Toni Morrison reading from some of her books.

Sula Audiobook SPONSORED

Purchase and download the Audiobook from Random House Audio


Time Magazine Photo of Morrison

This picture of Morrison is from a Time article called "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman."

Princeton University Photograph

This photograph is from the Princeton University announcement of Morrison as graduation speaker in 2005.