Sunrise Over Fallujah Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I was thinking again about Marla, about how she seemed to think and act more like a soldier than I did. It was a weird combination, a foxy-looking lady as tough as she was. (6.187)

Hmm. Do you think Birdy would think good looks and toughness would be a weird combination for a man?

Quote #5

We got ID'ed and a marine lieutenant offered me two laptop computers and a lifetime pass to Yankee Stadium in exchange for Marla and Barbara. Marla thought it was funny, but Barbara got uptight about it and cursed a blue streak as we pulled away. (8.54)

Did you notice how Birdy calls Barbara "uptight" for getting upset that the men treated her like property? When it comes to women, he's not exactly enlightened.

Quote #6

We were watching some cop program, the usual stuff with police dealing with low-level street crime. The cops were picking up prostitutes and Harris said that in a way most women weren't much more than whores.

"They get a man to support them and then they just sit back and watch television," he said.

"Yo, man, you got to show more respect than that," Jonesy said. "Your mama is a woman."

"No, you got to watch yours," Harris said. "I'm a sergeant, fool!"

"You also sounding like your brain is AWOL," Jonesy said. "We over here fighting with women." (10.1-5)

You tell him, Jonesy!