Sunrise Over Fallujah Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You know, Miller, I bet those guys flying that mission that day are as sorry about what happened as you are," Coles said. "Nobody wants to kill innocent people."

"I don't think so either." Miller pushed a strand of hair away from her face. "But we learn to let ourselves off the hook pretty fast when we do, don't we?" (6.97-98)

Both Miller and Coles have a point. Neither of them believes the Air Force was happy about accidentally bombing civilians, but Miller thinks they justify it too easily when lives are being lost.

Quote #5

Seeing the wounded kids made me feel like crap. This wasn't what the whole thing was supposed to be about. It wasn't what I wanted in my life, but I knew I didn't have a choice. (6.225)

Birdy has no control in this war. He has to do whatever he's assigned. Even if what he sees makes him question everything about what he's signed up for.

Quote #6

Captain Miller asked again if there was anything we could do and Halima asked if we had any toothpaste. We didn't but Miller said we would get her some.

"Since the bombing began, it's become such a luxury to brush your teeth," Halima said. "I feel guilty just thinking about it. (9.91-92)

It's a guilt circle in Halima's house. Miller feels guilty and inadequate in apologizing for the loss of villager's lives. Halima feels guilty asking for basic necessities amid the grief of the village.