Sunrise Over Fallujah Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The Italians came over. They shook hands all around. One of them asked in English if I was an Iraqi. He knew I wasn't. I guess they thought that was funny. (6.91)

Kind of a weird joke to make, isn't it? Assuming a racial identity just because of the color of Birdy's skin?

Quote #5

"Hey, Captain Coles!" Marla was on the intercom.


"You think Birdy is an Iraqi?"

"Could be," Captain Coles answered. "He's very dark." (6.101-104)

Marla's just messing with Birdy here, and Captain Coles is playing along. But they're pointing out that Birdy looks more like their opponents in the war than he looks like them. What do you think that would feel like?

Quote #6

"Tell this guy to remember whose side he's on," he said.

"He's American," Jonesy spoke up. "You didn't know that, sir?"

The lieutenant looked Ahmed up and down and then walked away. Creep. (6.178-180)

The lieutenant had no reason to say that to Ahmed. He said it, totally unprompted. Maybe a little bit of racism coming out?