Sunrise Over Fallujah Visions of Iraq Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Sometimes, when the weather was clear and it wasn't so hot you thought you were baking, Iraq seemed like the most beautiful place in the world. It seemed huge, with wide open spaces that stretched into forever. When you got away from the rivers it was mostly desert, especially as you went north from Baghdad. You could ride for mile after endless mile and then come across three camels and a donkey going about their business as if there wasn't any war, or any occupation. Guys would stop to take photos and the Iraqis would wave or just stop and look at us the way we were stopping to look at them. (14.17)

It's funny to imagine that Birdy and his squad were just as much of a weird sight to the Iraqis in the desert as they were to them.