Sunset Limited Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Sunset Limited? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What best expresses Black's thoughts about happiness and pain?

Pain makes happiness impossible, because the human condition is too full of suffering.
Happiness is a warm set of jammies, while pain is the lack thereof.
Pain can be entirely eliminated by behaving properly.
You wouldn't realize you were happy without something to compare it to—a.k.a. pain.
Q. What does White think has happened to cultural things?

They stopped mattering when the Artist Formerly Known as Prince changed his name back to Prince.
People stopped caring about them, but they're still really important.
Nothing—culture is doing just fine.
They don't matter anymore because human brutality has made them meaningless.
Q. At one point, Black says that you must do what "or die"?

believe that the Bible is completely true
love your brother
give all your possessions away
the Safety Dance
Q. What best represents White's position on suffering?

You can avoid suffering and be happy if you limit your desires.
You can banish suffering through a vigorous Tae Bo routine.
Suffering is the same thing as human destiny.
Some people suffer, but other people completely escape it.
Q. How does White react to Black's prison and conversion story?

He says it's the story of how someone else had to suffer so Black could find God.
He says it's pretty interesting, but he's not fully buying it yet.
He asks for more Doritos after finishing an entire bag.
He doesn't get it and asks Black to repeat the story.