Sweat True or False

1. Match the character with the quote. Who said: "Gawd! How Ah hates skinny wimmen!" -> Sykes
2. Match the character with the quote. Who is the "she" in the following quote: "She don't look lak a thing but a hunk uh liver wid hair on it." -> Sykes's sister
3. Match the character with the quote. Who said: "Nohow he wouldn't risk breakin' out his fangs 'gin yo' skinny laigs." -> Sykes (to Delia)
4. Match the character with the quote. Who said: "Yo' ole black hide don't look lak nothin' tuh me, but uh passle uh wrinkled up rubber, wid yo' big ole yeahs flappin' on each side lak uh paih uh buzzard wings." -> Old Man Anderson
5. Who was Delia speaking to when she said: "Whut's de mattah, ol' satan, you aint kickin' up yo' racket?" -> Jesus
