Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What happens to the first poster that Peter and Jimmy make for their school project?

It falls in the toilet
Fudge scribbles all over it
Sheila tears it up
A dog eats it
Q. Who does Peter rant to about how unfair and mean his mother is after Fudge's accident at the park?

Mr. Hatcher
His therapist
Q. What do Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher present Peter with at the very end of the book?

A puppy
An X Box 360
A new little brother
A tortoise
Q. What kind of shoes does Peter try on at the department store in order to calm Fudge down?

Adidas sneakers
Saddle shoes
Q. What's the subject for Peter, Sheila, and Jimmy's group project?

Full House
The solar system