Tantalus Resources

Movie or TV Productions

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

Hercules runs into Tantalus in the Underworld, while trying to rescue Persephone in this TV series that totally riffs on Greek mythology.

Thyestes on TV

Check out this 1966 TV movie version of the play by Seneca. The ghost of Tantalus is included.


God of War...Rhaaaaa!

Kratos takes a tour of Tartarus, where Tantalus and the rest of the damned are imprisoned. (Not a fun vacation.)

Tantalus Media

These guys have kicked out a ton of cool games. Why did they name themselves after Tantalus, though? Hmmm.

Articles and Interviews

Tantalus's Ghost Live (On Ice)

Read this review on the play Thyestes to find out whether Tantalus's ghost ice skates or not.