Gideon (Yardman) Timeline and Summary


Gideon (Yardman) Timeline and Summary

  • Gideon shows up at the back door of Valerian Street's vacation home with a dead chicken. Ondine tells him to leave it for her. Gideon, though, has not plucked the chicken like he was supposed to. He hightails it home without doing the rest of his job, leaving Ondine to pick up the slack.
  • Gideon comes to pick up Son and takes him into town for a haircut and to buy some new shoes. While they're hanging out, Gideon takes Son back to his house and shows him off to all of his neighbors. They are all intrigued by Son.
  • Gideon's aunt Thérèse keeps trying to ask Son about America, but Gideon scolds her and tells her to mind her business.
  • After he steals some apples from Valerian Street, Gideon gets himself and his aunt Thérèse fired. It's going to be really tough for them to make ends meet without their jobs with Valerian.
  • When Son returns to Dominique looking for Jade, Gideon warns the young man to stay away. He says that Jade is nothing but a white girl wearing a black girl's skin, and that she'll never bring any good to anybody. Despite his protests, though, Son hitches a ride with Thérèse out to Valerian's island.