Tar Baby Resources


Real-Life Eloe

This is the official website of Eatonville, "the oldest black municipality in America."

High Society

The Toni Morrison society has literature on Morrison, hosts events and symposiums, and is affiliated with Bucknell University. If you love Toni Morrison and you're looking for a place where fandom meets Lit Crit, this is the place for you.


Check out Toni Morrison's biography and marvel at the life of the woman and her awesome literary prowess.

Articles and Interviews

The New York Times Gave Tar Baby a lukewarm review.

Not so much two thumbs up as two thumbs sorta held to the side. WTF, NYTimes?

How Racist is the Term "Tar Baby?"

The New Republic takes a crack at this question… and says the answer lies in the context.

Morrison in Paris

The Paris Review is famous for it's awesome and awesomely well-researched author interviews. Morrison's interview doesn't disappoint.

You know it's Morrison's interview when the headline is 'Predicting the Past'

Morrison chats with the Guardian on the other side of the pond. We could listen to this woman talk all day.

More Morrison, More Better

Another Morrison interview, this time with Salon. The awesomeness keeps coming fast and furious.

Beyonce as Jade?

This article suggests Queen B to star, and Woody Allen to direct. Hmm… that could just work.


Check Out Awesome Eatonville

It's the real-life equivalent of Eloe, Florida. Eatonville is "the town freedom built."

So. Much. Toni. Morrison.

We squealed with joy when we saw just how much Morrison goodness happens in this video.

What Morrison is up to today.

Tar Baby came out in 1981. What's Morrison working on now? This video gives some insight.

Tar Baby On The Big Screen

No, they're not making a movie of Tar Baby. But the Br'er Rabbit and Tar Baby folktale did feature in the antiquated Disney movie The Song of The South. Here it is!


Good Ghosts, Good Golly

It doesn't surprise us in the least that Toni Morrison has some ghostly experience.

Retro Disney Br'er Rabbit Story

If you ever wondered what the precursors to audiobooks sounded like, you're in luck. Wonder no longer.


The Original Tar Baby Cover

Um, yeah. When you get a work by Matisse on your book cover, you know you're getting the Nobel Prize eventually.

The Canary Yellow Dress

Wonder what it looked like? This s a good guess.

Don't Punch Him

This is the grossness that comes from punching a tar baby, Disney-style.