Tears of a Tiger True or False

1. Who says, "Why is it that in the literature and poems and everythin' we read in English class, black usually stands for somethin' bad and white stands for somethin' good?" -> Tyrone
2. Who says, "But I'm not going to cry anymore, 'cause I'm tough, like a tiger, and tigers don't cry, or do they?" -> Tyrone
3. Who says, "You've got to be kidding! Do you know what I put up with from you? If I hear one more sob story from you, I think I'll puke!"? -> Rhonda
4. Who says, "Last week I learned that kids my age could die"? -> Tyrone
5. Who says, "You seem to be doin' a fine job of dreamin' my dreams and plannin' my future. Maybe I don't wanna be acceptable to white folks"? -> Tyrone
