Teddy Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I don't mean it's interesting that they float," Teddy said. "It's interesting that I know about them being there. If I hadn't seen them, then I wouldn't know they were there, and if I didn't know they were there, I wouldn't be able to say that they even exist. That's a very nice, perfect example of the way –" (2.17)

Teddy is getting at the Zen kōan, "If a tree falls in a forest and there's no one there to hear it, does it still make a sound?" He raises issues of perception and reality – and sadly, his parents don't recognize the importance of his observation. Perception of reality is studied in Western, as well as Eastern philosophy. We talk a lot about Eastern philosophy in this module, but if you are interested in the Western thought on perception, look into issues in Philosophy of Mind.

Quote #5

Teddy watched her press down on her stapler. "I knew you were an ensign," he said. "I'm not sure, but I believe when somebody asks your name you're supposed to say your whole name. Jane Mathewson, or Phyllis Mathewson, or whatever the case may be." (3.11)

Perhaps Teddy can engage in word games and word play because he no longer runs the risk of losing sight of his spiritual goals through intellectual distraction.

Quote #6

Diary for October 27, 1952
Property of Theodore McArdle
412 A Deck

Teddy maintains such a precise solemnity when it comes to words; he keeps things exact, even to the point of humor.