The Alchemist Analysis

Literary Devices in The Alchemist

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory


Ultra-MarathonWhen Santiago leaves Spain, the old king Melchizedek watches him go: At the highest point in Tarifa there is an old fort, built by the Moors. From atop its walls, one can catch a glim...

What's Up With the Title?

The Alchemist is about … the alchemist. But is it? Is this book really about the alchemist who appears at the oasis, way in the second half of the book, and who isn't even there at the end.Do you...

What's Up With the Ending?

The Alchemist ends with the end of Santiago's journey across the sea and sands, right back where he started several years before, dreaming under a sycamore tree. Or does it? The last line of the no...


The Alchemist's story is straightforward and easy to follow, unlike the signs and omens Santiago finds himself chasing. However, you will run into some abstract concepts like Personal Legends that...


Paulo Coelho doesn't just talk the mystical talk—he also walks the walk, spending every New Year's at a shrine to the Virgin Mary in France. (source)The Alchemist was brought to life in the form...

Steaminess Rating

Even though Santiago falls in love with Fatima, and has a crush on the girl at the beginning of the novel, we don't see anything but pretty eyes and maybe a wisp of dark hair. Still, that's enough...


Boris Pasternak Dr. Zhivago (1.73-74, 1.80-82, 2.99) The Bible (2.112-13)A Thousand and One Nights (2.223)Joseph of Egypt (2.347-48, 2.390)Matthew 8:8 (2.726) Melchizedek (1.97-99, 1.108, 1.18...