The Altar Religion Quotes

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Quote #1

A broken ALTAR, Lord, they servant rears
And cemented with tears (1-2)

Well, the rhyme on "rears" and "tears" is sure interesting. It suggests that rearing an altar, a form of sacrifice and prayer, is painful, to say the least.

Quote #2

   Whose parts are as thy hand did frame;
   No workman's tool hath touch'd the same (3-4)

The speaker refers to the book of Exodus here, partly to let everybody know that he's a very devout fellow, but also to pay some respect to his lord. He implies here that God is the master "workman," and nobody else.

Quote #3

   A HEART alone
   Is such a stone,
   As nothing but
   Thy pow'r doth cut (5-8)

The speaker points out the supremacy of God. Only the Lord is capable of "cutting" a heart, meaning that only a being as powerful as God can create human life. God is the only true creator, the only legitimate "workman."