The Book of the City of Ladies Book 2, Chapters 16-20 Summary

  • Lady Rectitude picks up where she left off and tells us all about Queen Artemisia, who was so brave that she followed her husband into military conflicts. She was so devoted to him that she mixed his ashes with water and drank them, just so he would always be with her. Crazy, right?
  • One woman named Agrippina starved herself to death after her husband died because she didn't want to live without him.
  • For the first time in a while, Christine de Pizan speaks up again and says that she now sees what incredibly deep and loyal love women are capable of feeling for their husbands. Maybe it's time for the men who criticize women to shut their cake-holes.
  • Still, Christine wonders if there's any truth to men's accusation that women tend to fall in love with jocks instead of smart dudes with lots of education. Lady Rectitude gets all flustered at this comment and promises to provide plenty of examples showing why this isn't the case. So let's all hop on the example train again.
  • One woman named Cornelia ended up killing herself just because she saw her husband's clothing covered with blood. It turned out the guy was out back killing an animal, but oh well.
  • There's another lady that Rectitude speaks of named Tertia Aemilia, who had a very intelligent husband who was super old. But she didn't mind because she loved his brain so much. Oh yeah, and this old dude cheated on her, too, but she kept on loving him.