The Breadwinner Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The men left. Parvana started to lie back down beside her father, but Mrs. Weera stopped her. "Let him rest. There will be time to talk tomorrow."

Parvana obeyed, but it took days of Mrs. Weera's careful nursing before Father even started to get well. Most of the time he was too ill and weary to talk. He coughed a lot.

"That prison must have been cold and damp," Mrs. Weera said. Parvana helped her make a broth and fed it to her father hot, off a spoon, until he was able to sit up and eat. (15.4-15.7)

Since this novel is written from the limited perspective of Parvana, we don't know anything about Father's stay in prison, but when he returns, Parvana can only imagine what he endured—beatings, humiliation, and horrible living conditions, to say the least. Imprisonment is the ultimate way to take away someone's freedom, but somehow Father is able to survive.