The Circle Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"See, this opens up the possibility of visual surrogates. Imagine I'm bedridden, or too frail to explore the mountain myself. I send someone up with a camera around her neck, and I can experience it all in real time." (1.8.84)

Eamon Bailey believes that his SeeChange cameras will be freeing in lots of different ways: not only will they help to bring about social justice (as he imagines it), but they'll also be liberating to people who wouldn't ordinarily be able to see much of the world.

Quote #2

"Mae, think about a world where there could never again be a significant crime against a child. None possible. The second a kid's not where he's supposed to be, a massive alert goes off, and the kid can be tracked down immediately. Everyone can track her. All authorities know instantly she's missing, but they know exactly where she is. […] The only hope an abductor would have is to take a kid, run into the woods with her, do something and run off before the world descends upon him. But he would have about a minute and a half to do it." (1.11.58)

According to Francis Garaventa, technologies like the ChildTrack/TruYouth program will help to free people from fear. No longer will parents need to worry about their children's safety; instead, children will be free to roam their neighborhoods and act like kids again.

Quote #3

"So immediately you take all the child abduction, rape, murder, and you reduce it by 99 percent. And the price is that the kids have a chip in their ankle. You want a living kid with a chip in his ankle, a kid who you know will grow up safe, a kid who can again run down to the park, ride his bike to school, all that? […] or do you want a dead kid? Or years of worry every time your kid walks to the bus stop?" (1.11.60-62)

In exchange for the freedom that the Circle's ChildTrack/TruYouth program offers, only one small sacrifice will need to be made—according to Francis Garaventa, that is. In exchange for allowing a small chip to be planted inside their child's body, parents will be able to rest easy knowing that their children will be kept free from harm.