The Colossus Resources


Criticism Galore

This site has lots of great snippets from top critics on "The Colossus."

Plath on

Find her biography and links to her poems on the Academy of American Poets' website.

"A Celebration, this is"

This site, made and maintained by Plath scholar Peter K. Steinberg, has lots of information on Plath's life and work, as well as numerous photos.

Plath on Modern American Poetry

The University of Illinois provides commentary on a variety of Plath's poetry, as well as biographical information, photos, and an interview.


Plath, the Documentary

Learn all about Sylvia in this flick.

Sylvia Excerpt

Check out Gwyneth Paltrow enacting Sylvia's final moments.


Plath, the Interview

This is the audio for a 1962 interview with Sylvia Plath. Plath discusses her poetry and inspiration.

"Remembering Sylvia Plath"

Check out this NPR "All Things Considered" episode on Plath.


Plath and Hughes

Here's a 1956 photo of Plath and her husband, fellow poet Ted Hughes.


Check out a portrait Plath painted of herself in the early 1950s.

Plath Herself

Here's a classic portrait of the poet.

Articles and Interviews

"You Could Say She Had a Calling for Death"

This is a New York Times article about Plath's life and Pulitzer Prize-winning Collected Poems.


The Collected Poems

Behold: Plath's poems, in chronological order. This collection won Plath the Pulitzer Prize.

The Unabridged Journals

Plath wrote in journals from the age of twelve until her death at age 30. The Unabridged Journals offer all of Plath's uncensored journal entries for the first time.

The Colossus and Other Poems

Check out the collection where the poem was originally published.

Movies & TV


Gwyneth Paltrow plays Sylvia Plath to Daniel Craig's Ted Hughes in this recent movie.