How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"His wife knew first." (1.1)
Sometimes a person's spouse knows him better than he does. Einar is one of those people who is almost entirely unaware of himself. We're surprised he can even function without his wife.
Quote #2
"I'd do it for you." (1.15)
Greta is entirely devoted to her husband, and she would do anything for him, even when "him" wants to become a "her."
Quote #3
By spring of 1925 they had been married for more than six years: on certain mornings it felt to Greta like six weeks; on others, six well-lived lives. (2.1)
Neither of these seem like a bad thing to us, with the adjective of "well-lived" added before "lives." It seems like Greta feels like she is sometimes still in a honeymoon phase with Einar, and other times it feels like they've had such a good marriage, it can hardly be contained by one person.