The Dark Is Rising Part 3: The Testing, Chapter 9 Summary

The Coming of the Cold

  • For the next couple days, snow falls heavily. Everyone starts to get worried about it since it's really thick and people can't get around in the weather—even the local store is low on food supplies because of the storm.
  • Will and Mary take breakfast to the Walker, but the guy creeps Mary out so she ditches her brother.
  • Will asks the Walker whether he remembers him or what he's doing here, but the guy doesn't have an answer; it seems like he's lost his memory.
  • Yet when Will reaches over the table to grab the Walker's tray, he screams out. Dude sees the Signs and wants them as far away from him as possible.
  • Will's not sure why the Walker—who carried a Sign for so long—would have such a strong reaction. What's the deal?
  • Everyone gets bundled up to head to the store so they can get what's left of the food. While there, Merriman arrives and introduces himself to Will's dad as Miss Greythorne's butler.
  • Merriman invites everyone over to Miss Greythorne's manor to stay safe and dry, and he secretly tells Will that they must bring the Walker there.
  • They talk for a few minutes in the Old Speech, and Robin overhears some of it.
  • He questions Will about what he said and why he sounds like the old guy staying in their home (read: the Walker).
  • At home, Will tries to work on his dad, who doesn't fancy going to the manor.
  • He figures he'll need the Walker's help to sort this out, so Will goes to the guy and tells him that the Dark is coming for him and he won't be safe unless they take him to the manor where he can see a doctor.
  • For just a moment, Will realizes that the Dark has already come for the Walker—that's why he's so sick and scared.
  • Will tells him that it will be best to go to the manor, but the guy doesn't listen.
  • Then he tells his mom that he thinks the guy has a tick or something and she agrees that he should go to the manor to see the doc.
  • Will and his dad deliver the Walker to the manor, and Will's dad is about to leave when Merriman reports that the snow is too wild out there. They'll never make it home if they leave now.
  • They notice that the whole town is there, safe from the storm.
  • Merriman whispers to Will that he should look into the fire until he can see the shapes and symbols of the Signs. As is often the case these days, Will doesn't really get it but does as he's told.
  • Will sees the Lady there and she tells him to stop the snow—the Dark forces are getting stronger and the town is crippled.
  • He protests that he doesn't know how to control the freaking weather, but she tells him that he already has one Sign of the fire and another awaits him. Then she says to have courage.
  • The doc comes back from examining the Walker and reports that the guy is fine… physically. It's his mental state that's worrying. Dude's lost his marbles.
  • Will goes to talk to the Walker, who warns that the Rider will come.
  • When his dad asks what this is about, Will claims it's just gibberish—the guy's a loon.
  • Miss Greythorne reports that they're going to put on a little musical performance if everyone is up for it.
  • As everyone sings, Will notices the Rider trying to get in the house.
  • Suddenly he remembers a scar he has on his arm from when he was first playing with fire. He forgot it was even there, but it must be what the Lady was referring to when she said he already has one Sign of Fire.
  • Will looks around and notices the Walker looks different.
  • Just then, Merriman calls the Walker "Hawkin" and tells him there's still time to come home if he wants to.