How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
On the corner of La Huerta Road was a miniature Rhine castle. [...] Next to it was a highly colored shack [...] out of the Arabian Nights. (1.17)
Hollywood features a ton of different architectural styles thrown together with no rhyme or reason. It's like the tackiest thing ever. On a symbolic level, however, this imagery seems to be a critique of the inauthenticity at the core of life in Tinseltown.
Quote #2
But whether he was happy or not is hard to say. Probably he was neither, just as a plant is neither. (10.10)
This quote is about Homer, but we think that it could apply to a lot of people in Hollywood. These folks go through the motions of everyday life completely oblivious to their true emotions and feelings.
Quote #3
He made an effort to put Faye out of his mind and began to think about the series of cartoons he was making for his canvas of Los Angeles on fire. (14.135)
We don't think that Tod actually likes Los Angeles– after all, why else would he be obsessed with painting the city being burned down the ground? Sounds like a secret fantasy to us. Unfortunately, there are plenty of Hollywood citizens who are just like Tod, torn between love and hate for the city where dreams come to die.