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The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Chapter 32 Summary

  • Let's wrap things up, shall we?
  • Virginia's mom buys her a gold eyebrow ring.
  • Byron's going back to Columbia, but he's living off campus, he's been kicked off the debate team, and he has to go to counseling.
  • Virginia gives him her full-length mirror for his new apartment.
  • Anaïs writes back and says Virginia's letter reminded her why she had to join the Peace Corps and get away from their family.
  • The parents invite Virginia to a film screening, but she's having dinner with the Earthquack crew.
  • When she turns down their invitation to do her own thing, her mom says she certainly is a Shreves. So, you know, maybe Virginia wasn't switched at birth after all.
  • But wait, are you ready for the coolest part?
  • In school, in front of everyone, Froggy Walsh the Fourth asks for a kiss.
  • Virginia, of course, gives it to him.