How It All Goes Down
- It's the day after we last saw Rachel—you know, when she got dragged into Scott's house. What happened?
- She's going to tell us. Here we go:
- Scott yanks Rachel inside because he doesn't want anyone to see her; he's trying to maintain a low profile so the media doesn't hound him.
- Scott tells Rachel that it was Kamal Abdic the police arrested but he doesn't know anything more than that.
- Now he asks, "Why did you come?" (13.9).
- Rachel says she didn't want him to be alone. But he's not alone—his mother is there.
- Rachel briefly meets mama Scott, then Scott boots her out of the house… right in front of Tom and Anna who are walking the baby.
- Anna snatches the baby out of the stroller (well, pram in the U.K.), but Rachel walks by thinking, "I couldn't be less interested in your daughter" (13.20).
- Instead she's happy that the police have Dr. Abdic, "And I helped!" (13.22).