The Girl on the Train Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Girl on the Train? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Tom accuses Rachel of hitting him with what when they were married?

A tennis racket
A golf club
A baseball bat
A squeaky mallet
Q. Tom stole his pick-up line, "Don't expect me to be sane," from which famous author?

Henry Miller
Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner
Stephenie Meyer
Q. How did Rachel discover Tom was having an affair?

Anna told her.
She found sexy e-mails.
She saw them together.
Tom texted her "Ben cheating on u lol."
Q. Where does Anna find Megan's cell phone?

In Tom's pocket
In Tom's gym bag
In Tom's glove compartment
Hidden in Tom's iPhone case
Q. What does Tom complain about after killing Megan?

How hard her head was to hit with a rock
That digging her grave hurt his little hands
That her blood was hard to get out of his shirt
That she complained the whole time she was dying