How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"I know," I said, "but if I'm not, that's okay, too." (2.1.11)
Jeannette is one of those young children who talk like adults. Some might say she's "precocious." And those precocious children always grow up more quickly than others.
Quote #2
"Mom says I'm mature for my age," I told them, "and she lets me cook for myself a lot." (2.1.14)
Jeannette is independent at a very young age—she's just three years old here, folks. While this borders on neglect and sometimes causes her harm, the advantage is that she matures more quickly than other children and can take care of herself.
Quote #3
I was going to turn six in a few months, and Mom said I was mature enough to hold [the baby] the entire way home. (2.10.37)
This passage foreshadows the time in high school when Jeannette will be a mother figure to her younger siblings. Here, Jeannette's holding the kids and taking caring of them, and she's not even six years old yet.