Ben's relationship with Mrs. Robinson in The Graduate is not about love. They hardy talk during their trysts; the nature of their relationship seems to be purely sexual. On the other hand, he and Elaine bond over the conversations they have, sympathizing with each other over their doubts about the future and the world they're entering. Ben feels like they're soul-mates. Whether this is true love or not remains to be seen, since they don't really know each other that well. But compared to the other relationships in his life, it must seem like a zillion times more authentic and connected. For someone as paralyzed and remote as Benjamin, the connection with Elaine wakes him up for the first time in a long time.
Questions about Love
- When Mrs. Robinson says that she's "not exactly" in love with her husband, but that she doesn't hate him, what does she mean? What are her real feelings towards him?
- What about Elaine makes Benjamin think he's in love with her?
- Was Elaine ever in love with Carl Smith?
- Does love actually solve Benjamin's and Elaine's problems?
Chew on This
In this film, Benjamin's love for Elaine is what finally gives him a direction in life.
Ben's infatuated with Elaine but doesn't love her; he hardly knows her.