How we cite our quotes: (Line)
Quote #1
"The Guitarist Tunes Up" (Title)
The title certainly puts us in a musical frame of mind. But it is important to note that the title asks the reader to consider the musician and the instrument as they prepare to play (tuning up). The musician has to prepare for the song, the act of making music, just as an artist must prepare to make art or a poet must prepare to write a poem. It is, perhaps, a subtler, less straightforward preparation than tuning an instrument, but it's there.
Quote #2
With what attentive courtesy he bent
Over his instrument; (1-2)
The musician has to be "attentive." He has to listen carefully to the instrument to make sure it's in tune before beginning the song. Similarly, an artist has to be attentive and open to the muse that will inspire her work and allow her to create.