The Haunted Palace Analysis

Symbols, Imagery, Wordplay

Form and Meter

The first thing to notice about the form of this poem is the way it's split up into sections (stanzas). There are six stanzas in this poem, and each one has eight lines. That basic, regular structu...


Who is the mysterious speaker of this poem? We don't get any really solid details about him (is it even a him?). We don't learn anything about what he looks like, how old he is, what his name might...


On the surface, at least, the setting of this poem is something we know a ton about. In a sense, this whole poem is about describing the setting. We start out by learning that this poem takes place...

Sound Check

At the beginning of this poem, the sound of the lines rolls along, steady and rhythmic. We think there's something really comforting about the stable, calm sound of the opening stanza. It's like be...

What's Up With the Title?

On the most basic level, this title, "The Haunted Palace" lets you know what the central focus of the poem is, the main image it deals with. Although, we think it's important that the palace doesn'...

Calling Card

If folks are familiar with Poe, they probably know him as one of the first American masters of horror. His spooky poem "The Raven" is a classic, and his tales of death and terror like "The Black Ca...


Poe loves to throw in tricky words here and there, so that might give you a little trouble at the beginning. Never fear, though, Shmoop is here to give you a little boost. With that help, this shou...


Before beginning his writing career, Poe went to the military academy at West Point (although he was expelled after eight months). (Source.)Seraphs (7) have plenty of pinions. In Jewish, Christian,...

Steaminess Rating

"The Haunted Palace" is clean as a whistle. Actually, there aren't even any recognizable people in this poem, so not much danger of sexytimes.


Echo (29): In ancient mythology, Echo was a mountain nymph. In one famous version of the story, told by the Roman poet Ovid, she was punished by the goddess Hera, who took away her power of speech....