Mark Timeline & Summary


Mark Timeline & Summary

  • Mark wakes up, and then bothers Trina. He thinks today is going to be a perfect day.
  • He finds Trina reading a book away from their village; he gets her, then they go back to their hut to meet their friends: Alec, Lana, Misty, the Toad, and Darnell.
  • Then a Berg descends from the sky and the people who exit it start shooting villagers with darts. Pure chaos erupts.
  • Mark dodges the darts and eventually he uses one of Alec's grappling hooks to latch onto the Berg.
  • Alec and Mark successfully climb aboard, then into, the Berg.
  • After breaking down a door and wrestling some bad guys, Mark and Alec cause havoc on the Berg and it crashes miles away from the settlement.
  • It's okay, though: Mark and Alec are fine. They march back to the settlement in two days, but find a bunch of dead people. And it smells pretty bad, too.
  • Trina runs up to them in hysterics. Everyone who got hit by a dart got really sick and died almost instantly. Except Darnell. He got hit but still lived.
  • That's when Mark hears a noise coming from someone locked up in a cage. It's Darnell, and he's screaming bloody murder.
  • Mark investigates; it turns out Darnell wanted Trina to lock him up because he knew he was going insane.
  • Then Darnell goes banana-hammocks, whacking his head on the wall until he dies.
  • Time to go: Mark retreats into the woods with his friends after seeing Darnell die.
  • On their way, Misty falls ill as well, so they have to leave her behind. The Toad stays behind too, because Misty is his best friend.
  • About to fall asleep in the wilderness, Mark hears noise—it's the Toad, and now he's sick.
  • But not for long. Alec takes him deeper into the woods and kills him to end his misery.
  • So things aren't looking up for Mark. The next day, he and his remaining pals reach a new settlement where they find a sad little girl.
  • The girl tells them that everyone went crazy and died or ran away. She got hit by a dart, but she feels fine.
  • Mark thinks, she's a little girl; we need to take her with us. Alec reluctantly consents.
  • Later on that day, Mark hears singing in farther in the woods. He and Alec go to investigate, but they're caught spying on a bunch of villagers who used to live with Deedee. And they're nutso.
  • Luckily, Alec and Mark escape. But when they run into the forest, they find it has become a burning inferno.
  • Mark and Alec weave their way in and out of the fire and finally reach where they left the girls. They're all gone.
  • Mark is not happy, so he and Alec move quickly to try to find them. On their way, they stumble upon a Berg's landing pad.
  • After figuring out the pad leads to an underground bunker, they infiltrate the bunker and find an auditorium where a meeting is being held.
  • Mark and Alec aren't very good at hiding; they're caught eavesdropping.
  • But they learn valuable information. The people at the meeting were some of the people who shot settlements with the darts. They're mad at their superiors for making them do the dirty work. Oh, and they're all infected with the virus because of it.
  • Anyway, Mark and Alec make a mad dash. After fighting off some crazy dudes, they escape the bunker with a Berg. Score!
  • Alec flies the Berg near Asheville, where they learn that the government is sending people through a Flat Trans to Alaska.
  • Plus, the girls are in a nearby cul-de-sac. The plan is to save them, but Mark is starting to feel sick himself, so he's losing hope.
  • Mark and Alec search for weapons in the Berg before they leave; they find a crazy destructo-weapon that explodes people into thin air.
  • So Mark and Alec both take those weapons with them to where the girls are. Unfortunately, before they can save Lana, she's stabbed by an infected person. Alec puts her out of her misery by blasting her with his weapon.
  • They keep going, and after tons of fighting, they find Deedee and Trina huddled in a basement of a house. Trina doesn't seem to remember Mark, though, and she's totally sick.
  • Oh well, they still need to keep moving. All of them escape the crazy-person infested town, and Alec flies the Berg to Asheville.
  • By the way, now Alec isn't feeling too hot. So Mark, Alec, and Trina all have the Flare, and they're all starting to lose sanity.
  • In a last ditch effort, Mark writes a note to the people on the other side of the Flat Trans, telling them that Deedee is immune and that they need to use her.
  • The group then gets Deedee to the Flat Trans; she goes through it, never to see them again.
  • Especially because right after she goes through, Alec crashes the Berg into the building, with the intention of destroying the Flat Trans (so no one else can go through), as well as killing him and his friends so they don't have to suffer from the Flare.
  • Right as Alec is crashing the Berg, Trina recognizes Mark. So it's not all bad.