The Killer Angels Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Killer Angels? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Chamberlain's father say that Man is?

"not that bad, really"
"a true angel"
"a murderin' angel"
Q. What does Kilrain deny exists?

the divine spark
the City of El Dorado
the theory of evolution
life on other planets
Q. What is the day after the battle?

The Fourth of July
Lee's birthday
Lincoln's birthday
Columbus Day
Q. According to the last paragraph, what does the rain do to the blood of the dead soldiers after the battle?

washes it away into a nearby river
drives it into the ground, to grow with the roots upwards
sends it through the streets of Gettysburg
makes it stain the dead
Q. What is the title of a speech Chamberlain remembers giving?

"The Divine Spark"
"Man: Not All He's Cracked Up to Be"
"Man: The Killer Angel"
"Man: The Jewel of Creation"