How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Bah!" Medea sneered. (28.129)
You can tell Medea is evil because she says "Bah!" That's what all the evil masterminds say.
Quote #5
The king smiled. Suddenly he didn't strike Jason as a harmless old man in a bathrobe. His eyes had a merry glow to them—the look of a madman who knew he was mad, accepted his madness, and enjoyed it. (32.75)
Midas is kind of like the Joker—he's crazy, and happy to be so because he likes evilness. In real life, there aren't too many people who think of themselves as evil and are happy about it, but in fiction it makes for a good super villain.
Quote #6
"That's awful!" Piper had said. "He let his wife die?"
Her dad spread his hands. "It was a hard sacrifice. But one life brought generations of peace between snakes and Cherokee." (33.77-78)
Piper's dad is telling her a Cherokee story about a man who sacrificed his wife in order to make peace between snakes and Cherokee. Her dad seems to think this is reasonable, but… did the guy ask his wife? It seems like people should get to make their own sacrifices, rather than have other folks make those decisions for them. Good and evil here seem somewhat confused.