The Lost Weekend Resources


The Film Noir Foundation

Want to know more about the darkest genre of them all? We got you covered.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Just in case there are any Don Birnams in the house...

Book or TV Adaptations

The Lost Weekend (1944)

Released just a year before its film adaptation, Charles R. Jackson's The Lost Weekend is a pretty great story in its own right.

Articles and Interviews

The Art of Screenwriting No. 1: Billy Wilder

When The Paris Review decided to create a screenwriting-focused version of its popular The Art of Fiction series, they knew exactly who to turn to—our main man Billy Wilder.

American Art Oral History Program Interviews Billy Wilder

In this 1995 interview with the Smithsonian, Wilder goes into great detail regarding his life and career.

Charles R. Jackson and the Film Adaptation of The Lost Weekend

This fascinating article from Vanity Fair dives deep into the complicated relationship between Jackson and the legendary adaptation of his debut novel.


Ray Milland at the 1945 Academy Awards

This brief video depicts Milland receiving his Best Actor award in hilariously awkward fashion.

The Writer Speaks: Billy Wilder

Haven't gotten your daily quota of Billy Wilder yet? We've got a hot, hour-long video to introduce you to...


A 1967 Interview with Ray Milland

Milland has a fantastic voice—we could seriously listen to it all day.

Billy Wilder's Rules of Good Filmmaking

In this NPR piece, director Cameron Crowe speaks at length about the rules of film-making as relayed to him by Wilder before his death in 2002.


The Lost Weekend Poster

If you have a thing for classic Hollywood posters, then you're going to go nuts for this one.

Ray Milland in The Thing with Two Heads (1972)

This image of Milland has nothing whatsoever to do with The Lost Weekend, but we felt compelled to share it you. Use it wisely.