Francis Carver—Mars Timeline and Summary


Francis Carver—Mars Timeline and Summary

  • Throughout the narrative, we get some details about Carver's origins prior to the start of the main narrative, so we'll slot them in here. He is born in China and works for his father's company for a while as a young man before getting his own ship. This is when he first starts running opium.
  • He actually runs opium using Sook's family name/company as a cover. So, when the Sook warehouse gets raided, Sook's father is executed.
  • Eventually, Carver is arrested for his drug smuggling (and apparently running girls as well) and sent to prison for 10 years. By this time, Sook has figured out that he was the one who framed his father and vows to get revenge on him.
  • After prison, Carver ends up in New Zealand. Sook finds out where he is and follows him; however, he doesn't have much luck pinning down Carver's exact location and eventually gives up, settling in Hokitika.
  • Meanwhile, Carver pulls off his big blackmail scheme with Lauderback using Crosbie Wells's identity and money.
  • Planning to kill Crosbie the night he pulls off the Lauderback scheme, he gets a surprise: Crosbie attacks him and cuts his face.
  • Crosbie flees, but Carver eventually finds out where he is (with a little help from Te Rau Tauwhare) and, from what we can tell, somehow causes his death.
  • During Anna and Emery's trial a few months later, his fraudulent behavior comes out, and he's arrested. Before he can actually be thrown in prison, though, someone sneaks into the carriage taking him to jail and kills him. The smart money is on Tauwhare.