Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Luminaries.
Foreignness Quotes
'Everyone's from somewhere else,' Balfour went on. 'Yes: that's the very heart of it. We're all from somewhere else. And as for family: you'll find brothers and fathers enough, in the gorge' (I.1.54).
Family Quotes
'My object was a complicated one…A matter of family disputation, painful to relate, which accounts for my having made the crossing solo' (I.1.51).
Lies and Deceit Quotes
'Your father! But what have I told you already? You'll find fathers enough, I said, down in the gorge! That's no turn of phrase—it's custom, and necessity—it's the way that things are done! Let...
Wealth/Class Quotes
He did not yet know that a goldfield was a place of muck and hazard, where every fellow was foreign to the next man, and foreign to the soil; where a grocer's cradle might be thick with color, and...
Chance/Destiny Quotes
'Ah,' said Löwenthal. 'Another coincidence' (I.6.270).
Primitivism Quotes
This was a gold town, after all, new-built between jungle and surf at the southernmost edge of the civilized world, and he had not expected luxury (I.1.7).
Truth Quotes
We shall therefore intervene, and render Sook Yongsheng's story in a way that is accurate to the events he wished to disclose, rather than to the style of his narration (I.9.13).
Revenge Quotes
His good humor was quite restored; he was even giddy. Such a tonic for the spirit is the promise of revenge (I.7.317).