How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Maltese Falcon.
Quote #1
LT. DUNDY: You know me, Spade. If you did it, or if you didn't, you'll get a square deal from me and most of the breaks. Don't know if I'd blame you much, a man that killed your partner... but that won't stop me from nailin' you.
There seems to be an understanding between Spade and the cops that a man has to do what a man has to do, but Dundy makes it clear that no man, not even Sam Spade, is above the law.
Quote #2
BRIGID: Do they have to know about me? I mean, can't you shield me so I won't have to answer their questions?
We can infer from Brigid's attitude toward the cops that she is up to some sketchy behavior. She is confident enough she can pull one over on Sam Spade, but she is worried the cops will figure out what she's really been up to.
Quote #3
SPADE: You're not hiring me to do any murders or burglaries but simply to get it back if possible, in an honest, lawful way?
It's difficult to tell if Spade would turn down the request if it contained murder or burglary. Could you see him committing a serious crime in the name of a case? How far would he go?