The Maltese Falcon Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The boy looked at Gutman.

Gutman smiled benignly at him and said: "Well, Wilmer, I'm sorry indeed to lose you, and I want you to know that I couldn't be any fonder of you if you were my own son, but—well, by Gad!—if you lose a son it's possible to get another—and there's only one Maltese falcon." (19.60)

When Gutman realizes that the only way to get the falcon from Spade is to give him Wilmer, Gutman agrees to use Wilmer as the "fall guy." Gutman's sole loyalty is to the falcon, but he later gets his just punishment when Wilmer shoots and kills him for his betrayal.

Quote #8

Spade's face was yellow-white now. His mouth smiled and there were smile-wrinkles around his glittering eyes. His voice was soft, gentle. He said: "I'm going to send you over. The chances are you'll get off with life. That means you'll be out again in twenty years. You're an angel. I'll wait for you." He cleared his throat. "If they hang you I'll always remember you." (20.59)

In the most intense scene of the entire novel, Spade calmly informs Brigid that he's going to turn her over to the police for Archer's murder. Even though he admits he may have feelings for her, why does Spade ultimately betray Brigid? Is he avenging his partner's death or protecting his own neck?

Quote #9

He moved his shoulders a little and said: "Well, a lot of money would have been at least
one more item on the other side of the scales."

She put her face up to his face. Her mouth was slightly open with lips a little thrust out.

She whispered: "If you loved me you'd need nothing more on that side."

Spade set the edges of his teeth together and said through them: "I won't play the sap for
you." (20.88)

Is Spade joking when he says that if Brigid had more money, the scales would be tipped more in her favor? Is he saying that she could have bought his loyalty and silence, or is he being sarcastic? Despite caring about her, Spade is determined not to "play the sap" for Brigid because she was too certain of his loyalty to her.