The Martian Chapter 7 Quotes

The Martian Chapter 7 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Mark Watney

Quote 1

Mars is a barren wasteland and I am completely alone here. I already knew that, of course. But there's a difference between knowing it and really experiencing it. (7.101)

Whenever Mark goes out on the surface, he gets a brutal reminder of how alone he truly is. The Hab provides a certain degree of comfort—although he still can't communicate with Earth, the mere presence of this man-made building reminds him that there's a home waiting for him. Unsurprisingly, the barren landscape of Mars has the opposite effect.

Mark Watney

Quote 2

But I do have a free source of heat: me. A couple million years of evolution gave me "warm-blooded" technology. (7.19)

Sometimes, the best scientific solution to a given problem is to simply use what Mother Nature gave us. After all, our bodies are finely-tuned pieces of technology that took hundreds of thousands of R&D to perfect. That sure beats the pants of an iPhone.

Mark Watney

Quote 3

I'm no stranger to Mars [...] But I've never been out of sight of the Hab before today. You wouldn't think that would make a difference, but it does. (7.100)

Mark never gets used to life on Mars. The Hab helps him stay sane, providing him a small connection with his life back on Earth, but even that is fleeting. Sooner or later, Mark is going to need to explore more of the Martian surface—that is, if he's up to the challenge.