The Home Quotes in The Martian

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In other news, today is Thanksgiving. My family will be gathering in Chicago for the usual feast at my parents' house. (2.62)

Getting stuck on Mars is a bummer; missing out on Granny Watney's famous pumpkin pie is a tragedy. Jokes aside, we're sure that the Watney family is having a pretty bad Thanksgiving too. It just won't feel the same without Mark.

Quote #2

Home sweet home! Today I write from my gigantic, cavernous Hab! (10.24)

The Hab is Mark's home away from home. It provides him shelter, food, and—most importantly–-a little bit of relaxation. It's not much, but it'll have to do.

Quote #3

The data dump carried e-mails and videos from home. It was the high point of the day. (12.192)

With all of the focus on Mark, it's easy to forget how much time the rest of the crew spends away from home. Plus, they got so close to Earth and had to turn back around. That stinks.