Malachi Stinnet Timeline and Summary


Malachi Stinnet Timeline and Summary

  • A troop of Anthropophagi kills his whole family and it's only pure, dumb luck that he's the only survivor.
  • Malachi tries to kill Dr. Warthrop when he finds out the doc knew about the creatures days before the attack on his family.
  • He volunteers to join the group of men who are going after the man-eaters.
  • Malachi stays with Will Henry during the slaughter to help protect the wounded woman Kearns used as bait. He helps Will Henry fight off a juvenile Anthropophagus.
  • He joins Dr. Warthrop and Dr. Kearns to track down and kill the alpha female.
  • Malachi tries to take out the matriarch with a grenade as she's eating him from below. He dies but manages to wound the creature enough to buy Will Henry a little bit of time to figure out how to kill her.