The Overcoat Resources


A party for Gogol lovers

Every year these interdisciplinary Gogol fanatics get together to celebrate their favorite author.

Nose goes

If "The Overcoat" whet your appetite for more Gogol works, check out Shmoop's guide to his even weirder short story, "The Nose." It's about a nose that leaves its owner's face and develops a life of its own. This takes got your nose to a whole different level.


A one-man mime show

One of the world's most famous mimes, Marcel Marceau, somehow manages to tell us the story of Akaky Akakievich without saying a single word.


He'll never be a noble

Looking at this transcription of the table of ranks, you can see that Akaky is just on the cusp of achieving hereditary nobility. So close and yet so far away.

It's a fake

Gogol is said to have burned the second volume of Dead Souls, but a Florida businessman just happens to have found it. Yeah, right.

Nice handwriting

This website would like to remind you of Gogol's Ukrainian heritage and has lots of historical documents for you to take a peek at.


That's it?

An animation director has been working on this animated version since 1981.

Sadness ahead

This storyboard for a film adaptation is moving even though it's not finished.


Akaky is a proper English gentleman

A very hilarious British radio play of "The Overcoat."

Slightly creepier

American broadcasters get their turn at Akaky's story.


You should get that fixed

Yeah, if our coat had a hole in it like that, we'd need a new one too.

Strike a pose

Nikolai Gogol is styling in this portrait.