The People Could Fly Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

She flew like an eagle now, until she was gone from sight. No one dared speak about it. Couldn't believe it. (20)

Yeah, we don't think we'd believe our eyes either. Although the slaves are surely overjoyed, they're too scared to express it. After all, their situation is unchanged—they're still imprisoned. For now, at least…

Quote #5

The ones flyin were black and shinin sticks, wheelin above the head of the Overseer. (22)

Suddenly, tons of people are free. The Master and his henchmen are shocked by this—they never realized what power these people had, not only as individuals, but together.

Quote #6

The Driver got his whip ready to curl around old Toby and tie him up. The slaveowner took his hip gun from its place. He meant to kill old, black Toby. (24)

With the mass exodus now underway, the bosses turn to violence. Violence has worked well for them in the past, after all, so why not now? As usual, they underestimate the people, these so-called slaves. They don't realize that their drive for freedom is so strong that nothing can stop them now.